
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Understanding the Use of Trees in Celtic Traditions.

This article is not really one, as for now it is traces of tidbits I find in the ancient books or writings I come across.  Please enjoy.  This as in my other articles shall be added on to as I go.

Trees were still important all the way into the 12th century, as Saint Flannan of Killaloe (in Ireland) a dynasty symbolically begins its hostile takeover of territory with the attack of the tribal yew tree.  One Celtic tribe of Europe called themselves the Eburones, which means "people of the yew."   

The tribes based the timing of some of her prophecies on the height or growing of trees and plants - fall on another etc or grow together or apart from - this is now called sympathetic magic.

One of the most famous warrior bands of early Gaelic literature was called the Craobh Ruadh, the Red Branch (of Ulster).  You will even notice that their books have branches, not chapters.

To verify the thought of descendancy from trees, for example, we have this poem by Somhairle MacGill-eain (Sorley MacLean) most effectively written in his poem "Hallaig" (MacGill-eain), in which the native inhabitants of Raasay.

..Ann an Screapadal mo chinnidh
...In Screapadal of my people
far robh Tarmad's Eachunn Mór
Where Norrman and Big Hector were
tha 'n nigheanan 's am mic 'nan coille
their daughters and sons are a wood
ag gabhail suas ri taobh an lóin...
going up beside the stream...
Tha iad fhathast ann a Hallaig
They are still in Hallaig
Clann Ghill-Eain 's Clann MhicLeóid
MacLeans and MacLeods
na bh'ann ri linn Mhic Ghille-Chaluim:
all who were there in the time of Mac Gille Chaluim.
Chunnacas na mairbh beó..
The dead have been seen alive.

This is how trees were classified at one time by Bard poets:

The "chieftains" among trees, according to an ancient Irish tract, are dair, oak; coll, hazel; cuileand, holly; abhull, apple-tree; uindsin, ash; ibur, yew; gius, fir. The "servile" trees are: fern, alder; sail, willow; bethi, birch; lemh, elm; scé, hawthorn; crithach, aspen; caerthand, rowan. 
A poem in Silva Gadelica gives an account of trees that are and aren't proper to burn. In it feithlenn & woodbine is the king of trees; rowan is the tree of the druids; willow is the noble tree (sáir); yew is the wood of feasts.  ** Interesting here that it is not the Oak for the Druids but the Rowan.**

by Brahva Cwmevos
(LaurieLee Mills)
December 7, 2013