
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Naming Your Modern Day Tribe / Clan

When finding names, it is very important to know that many kindreds have divine ancestors, & in Gaelic tradition's they had a strong tree, plant or animal associations which are referred to as the tribe's Totem. These they believed their were descended from and thus an ancient ancestor.  

Lets talk about totem.  New age practitioners who've never been taught traditionally are sending out incorrect information of what totem really means in the Celtic tradition.  They even confuse the term with spirit animal.  Totem and spirit animal are two very different things.  For their spirit animal, they choose an animal that seems cool or the first one they see etc.  Just nonsense.  As a totem, one cannot choose to be descended from something lol, its like choosing someone else's mother and claiming her as your own.   Totems have to do with lineage and nothing more.  

Celts didn't mix two animals or trees together to name or represent any clan, so do not make this mistake in naming your modern day clan/tribe like the owl and the snake clan.  Utter nonsense. This would never happen.  No one, in their right mind, would put two mortal enemies together for one, and for two the Celtic tribes named themselves after the god/dess they were descended from.  Totems are very sacred in the Celtic tradition and so is honouring their ancestor or kinship object of representation. 

In Gaelic tradition, the Scottish clans in particular, it is interesting to note the way each clan was closely associated with a particular tree.  Trees were of central importance in Gaelic tradition as metaphors, symbols and models for society made manifest in nature. How was the image of the tree used as a metaphor. Tribal trees were very important for both kings and túatha. The Feara Bile and Fir na Craeibe of the early first millennium are examples of this. There is a number of strands of belief, again depending on the tribe, which played a part in the clan badge (suaicheantas) tradition. 1) strand takes some tree-type predominant in the homeland to symbolize the clan. 2) the belief of the use of badges from a particular tree. 3) another belief sees the tree badges were a kind of amulet worn for protection.  Thus some tribes were named after their totem tree.

Within all the tribes, there was hierarchy.  The nobility and their totem was of special importance, whether they had association between a special trees or totem animal, or plant & their use in kingship inauguration, has very ancient roots. We know that the badge system was adopted prior to the 16th century, but to be frank, exactly when, we do not know.  You can see the animal and trees in the crests or badges.  Thus if an animal was abundant in their area or seen a lot, the tribe might call themselves after that animal for it provided them with sustenance as a mother or father.  Thus some tribes were named after an animal, bear tribe, stag etc.

And yet other tribes might associated themselves with other things in nature that acted as their caregivers (parents), like a river that gave them fish and so on.  So Campbell came from the words crooked mouth, being the tribe was by the river.  One such Goddess was the river Boanne for example.  Learned Gaelic persons, such as their Priest called Druids, organized social and intellectual schemes onto nature and the Gaelic society itself reflected nature. 

So as a conclusion, the clans of today, classified all sorts of objects, animals, food, trees, etc. into noble and servile groups, selecting them according to their physical features and traits.  When it comes to lineage, it is most important to focus on the totem, and people neglect this important fact.  Much of the Gaelic Relations can be found in fact, when it comes to lineage, by tracing the uses of tree words and mottos. For example, the word 'craobh' not only means tree, but can be used as a verb meaning "to propagate." The term craobh-seanchais, literally "tree-knowledge", is used to mean the knowledge of one's lineage and descent. Similarly the term craobh ghinealaiche is used to designate one's genealogical tree.

If you take the the roots of these peoples trees and home from the soil, you leave in its place a stranger's land. For example, The Anglo-Saxons moved in to take over England.  They tried to do the same thing in Ireland but could not get a foot hold strong enough, and those were mostly the Danes that got that small piece. What was left was broken fragments, for it is language, land and totem that makes this kinship spirit which holds us together as family and is the only way you can make the true makings of a tribe.

Cha b'e sneachd is a' reothadh bho Thuath
It's not the Northern snow or frost
Cha b'e 'n crannadh, geur; fuar bhon Ear
It's not sharp, withering cold from the East
Cha b'e 'n t-uisge, is an gailleann bhon lar
It's not the Western rain and storm
Ach an galair a bhlian bhon Deas,
But the blight that withers from the South
Blath, duilleach, stoc agus freumh
Bloom, leaf, trunk and roots,
Cánan mo thréibh 's mo shluaigh...
The language of my people...
Nuair a spion iad a fhreumh ás an fhonn
When they tore the roots from the soil
'N áite Gáidhlig tha Cánan a' Ghoill...
In Gaelic's place is the stranger's tongue...

    In the making of your name, don't dishonour tribal societies existing today or be the joke of serious Celtic Scholars everywhere, by naming yourself or your tribe by picking cool animals.  You'll only be fueling the ridicule of serious practitioners - garbage being passed on by untrained, self-titled & eclectic authors of both new-agey book and many internet sites..

The Ancient Clan names, as listed in one of my other articles, one can see clearly that they referred to themselves as "the people" and some with their declaration of the God or God totem they were descended from.  These were animals, water bodies, trees or other nature places where they resided.  In other words you cannot worship a God or Goddess in the same sense as the Christian or Wiccan concept that God is one and everywhere.  You cannot worship a God who is tied to a spiritual area such as a mountain or river that is non-existent in USA or Canada.  That is just plain ridiculous.   Both Scandinavian or Celtic God were very much attached to their own tribal areas.  Other than the planetary or weather gods, you have to be careful which gods you are choosing.  But even if you wish to choose the weather or planetary gods, their names were not chosen from these Gods. Those Gods are of a different level on the tree worlds.

 The other reason Northern European pagans get upset is that you cannot claim someone else's Mother.  Its disgraceful.  Notice the names of the 1st nations people today then go an look at other tribes around the world.  Now look at my other article and the meaning of their name.  They were all descendants from the animal or tree or god of their own people.  You were not adopted into their tribe so why would you try and steal their mother or father.

Wiccans believe all Gods are one and that is not wrong, that is their beliefs.  The problem is that most of the garbage written and repeated over and over again all over the Internet for Celts is written by Wiccans not Celtic pagans.  The articles obscure the actual facts, for any serious Northern European student, and delays the learning process.  Sadly Most of these New Age authors, have never studied traditionally, let alone picked up a translated copy of any of the actual ancient books they just blindly follow repeating the same garbage that other untrained people are saying. Having said this, I am not trying to disrespect the Wiccan religion at all, as I too started there.  The earlier form of the religion was a very beautiful one.  But it has been warped and changed beyond recognition and the actual religion and traditions are mostly gone.

If you wish to follow a Norse, Odinistic, Asatru or Celtic path, you must dig deeper than them.  The point here is not to ridicule or blame any one religion, it is to point out that nobody want to truly work for information.   Our younger society (born in the 70's and up) seems to want the short version, fast info, right now, on a silver platter, & a quick Internet certificate so they can say they are a Priest, or even worse the title of 'Reverend', in a year or less.  They don't want to honour or worship Gods, nor keep the same Gods, they want to do divination and magic.  I know a couple that changed their Gods 3 times in 5 years.  Worst of all the new generation want it free, they want their way, on their own time & they want it today.  If they don't get their way, it becomes the teacher that must be bad in their eyes, not the disrespectful student.  How can a teacher, teaching their own tradition be teaching it wrong?  Disrespect is everywhere.

Over time, as ancients advanced, the Goddess was replaced with the Hero Gods who still had to do Her challenges in order to find thier power, reflective of their initiatory practices for young warriors.
So you can 1) name your Tribe/Clan something that reflects your group as a people from where you are & what most describes nature in your area and Gods residing there.   2) from the earlier most ancient Goddess (which was a major Food source a clan lived by like the life giving waters provide food (fish) & water or Her totem.  The Goddess then would be the river.  Or 3) You can also choose the later times, or the Heroine Gods, who are involved in the magic of changing of the seasons, & the rites of passage that came with agricultural times instead of sun movement, the original.  And lastly 4)  there were Battle Gods which from interpreting the myths they seem to be Gods to whom sacrifices were given.  BUT for all 5 choices, make your own names & places for the Gods for unless you are living in Northern Europe you are not close to where those Gods reside.

I cannot list all  Gods as there are almost 400 Gods found in the Celtic tribes alone, let alone Scandinavian ones.  Just as each tribe in 1st nations people have their own gods, so to did the Northern European tribes.  I will list a few here but the key is to find out what the name means and you can pretty much see from there the absurdity of worshiping gods in another country in Canada or USA when they aren't even here.  

People need to get out of the Christian concept of god as spirit, and realize that their gods they could see and touch as they were the energies in certain places.


Cailleach - (Irish) - she is a Mountain range in Ireland, with one being her chair another her residence.

Beira (Scottish) - Legend - made the mountains and hills and shaped them with her hammer.  Great Mother of the Gods and Goddesses.  Winter Goddess or the "Start" of the year.  Her staff freezes the ground and she herds Deer.  Mother Goddesses are associated with one of the Celtic Creation Myths in which most pertain to local land features. Yes there are Creation myths, unlike as said prior, what you read on the internet.  One complete one in an ancient manuscript too, along with planet names etc., but that is for you to study, not me to prove.  Again you can see the mountain is cold on top and it just makes sense that that cold descended and a legend was born.

Cailleachan (Scottish) means literally old women.  Washes her plaid in water and when finished it is pure white.  (snow.).  She resides at Ben Cruachan, the tallest mountain in Scotland.

Abnoba - means river.  She is a mountain in the Black Forest which is the source of the Danube.

Ceridwen - when broken up into syllables - literally means go to white.  There again is winter.  Her sons,  Creirwy, Morfan and Taliesin.

Creirwy seems to refer that he is an egg or a return to the egg.

Morfan literally means Sea point, exactly.

Taliesin means shining brow according to some but the name is not Irish, it is Welsh.  I cannot say for sure as more research is necessary and I will leave this to other scholars for now.  Welsh pronunciation[talˈjɛsɪn]).  Anyway from these names and my research into translations, her children would represent the three seasons which were the way the year was originally split up for seasons, winter, summer and spring.  Fall was considered spring like or in-between summer and winter or winter and summer. 

Brahva Cwmevos
Copyright July 27, 2011 

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