
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Norse Priests

Norse Priest Names & Role -     In the Norse Tradition the Priests acted pretty similar to their Celtic brethren.  They were called the Gothar which is plural for Gothi (male) or Gythia (female). The word Gothar means "those who speak the Godly tongue". The Gothar would meet annually.  There are many accounts of 36 districts of Icelandic Gothar getting together to settle disputes, hand out justice to lawbreakers and discuss issues.
     The Norse Priests chosen had to be honourable folk in their daily lives, almost as wise as the all father. They also had to be strong, loving, confidant and ruthless or fearless warriors. For a Norse Priest, their strength was compared to Thor and the love to Freya. The Gothar led the blots. For both Celt & Norse this role was not taken lightly & could not be self-titled without years of training.  

The Norse High Priest was call a Alsherjargod.  Gyðja was the word used for the female priestess.

The Norse priesthood never took on the famous roles of the Celtic Druids. This was because their Norse shamanistic tradition was maintained by all women, called Volvas. The Kings seemed to have instead evolved out of a priesthood style office, like the Celts who had Kings as the head of a smaller  group of families in the kingdoms (for this social structure, that is parallel to the Celtic structure.  The Kings were like Norse Priest Chieftains.

The Norse priests also had sacrificial burials where slaves and wives as well as weapons and riches and animals would be killed with the King.  There is an account where a woman slave volunteered to joined the corpse of a man on the funeral pyre so she would become the man's wife in the next world, an obvious increase in her status.

Most of the existing records on Norse mythology date from the 11th to 18th century and are no less tainted by Christianity then the Celtic myths.  In fact even the religious worship of the Blot, resembles that of the Celts.

Dress of the Norse Priests -Just as the Male Celtic leaders & Priests dressed as women, so too did the Norse Priests when they took over from the women.  This sacred knowledge was formerly a property of only women, thus they dressed this way as to be accepted by the nature spirits and/or Gods.  Many wore womens clothes for the rites.  In fact a two-spirited person in many ancient cultures was sacred.  Even Tacticus writes that among the Germanic tribes, the Norse Priests at the sunrise and sinset rituals dressed as women in honour of the heavenly twins which they called Haddingjar.   

As to jewelry, We know Mjölnir pendants were worn by Norse pagans  in 9th and 10th centuries from the hoards found.  How far back is unknown to me at this time.  Heck, even Thor, their thunder god, when he received his magic hammer, was only filled with power after he put on the garments of the Goddess Freya and pretended to be a bride.

There an ancient sacred Norse Priest feast spoken about called “Feast of Wantonness” (Hubritska) , where the tribe joined and the men became women by wearing women’s dresses and veils, temporarily assuming feminine powers in violation of a specific taboo.

Of course then  the power hungry man made religion of Christianity condemned the practice as devil-worship, because of its fear of strong women and its oppressive techniques to keep man in power in the new religion.  They wanted all persons to forget the implication that spirituality could only be felt by using feminine sides even if it was simple sexual connection through masquerade.

Here is a poem about a Norse Priest from a medieval Norse version written about 1225 by Snorri Sturluson;  

Thangbrand the Priest

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

SHORT of stature, large of limb,
Burly face and russet beard,
All the women stared at him,
When in Iceland he appeared.
"Look!" they said,
With nodding head,
"There goes Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest." All the prayers he knew by rote,
He could preach like Chrysostome,
From the Fathers he could quote,
He had even been at Rome.
A learned clerk,
A man of mark,
Was this Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest.
He was quarrelsome and loud,
And impatient of control,
Boisterous in the market crowd,
Boisterous at the wassail-bowl,
Would drink and swear,
Swaggering Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest.
In his house this malcontent
Could the King no longer bear,
So to Iceland he was sent
To convert the heathen there,
And away
One summer day
Sailed this Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest.
There in Iceland, o'er their books
Pored the people day and night,
But he did not like their looks,
Nor the songs they used to write.
All this rhyme
Is waste of time! "
Grumbled Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest.
To the alehouse, where he sat,
Came the Scalds and Saga men;
Is it to be wondered at,
That they quarrelled now and then,
When o'er his beer
Began to leer
Drunken Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest?
All the folk in Altafiord
Boasted of their island grand;
Saying in a single word,
"Iceland is the finest land
That the sun
Doth shine upon!"
Loud laughed Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest.
And he answered: "What's the use
Of this bragging up and down,
When three women and one goose
Make a market in your town! "
Every Scald
Satires scrawled
On poor Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest.
Something worse they did than that!
And what vexed him most of all
Was a figure in shovel hat,
Drawn in charcoal on the wall;
With words that go
Sprawling below,
"This is Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest."
Hardly knowing what he did,
Then he smote them might and main,
Thorvald Veile and Veterlid
Lay there in the alehouse slain.
"To-day we are gold,
To-morrow mould!"
Muttered Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest
Much in fear of axe and rope,
Back to Norway sailed he then.
"O, King Olaf! little hope
Is there of these Iceland men!"
Meekly said,
With bending head,
Pious Thangbrand, Olaf's Priest.

Brahva Cwmevos
Copyright August 30, 2011

Is a Celtic Creation Really Lost?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Iron Age Items found of the British Celts

Items found of the Celts in Iron Age period.

A Carnyx - a wind instrument used like a trumpet of the iron Age Celts.  They say this type was used between 300 BCE to 200 CE.  Most were made of bronze.  They were so intricate and the mouth pieces were styled in the shape of animal heads.  It was most likely used in warfare, or to announce a Chieftain when they were ceremoniously brought in according to rank to a feast.  This would be an instrument to frighten the other troops or to inspire the tribes but definately loud so the warriors could hear across the field. Here is an exact replica of one found in Deskford, Banffshire at the Scottish museum.
[Image]Spear heads - this was the main weapon although many today love to carry the swords, they were not actually the common weapon of that period.  Here are some examples of the shape of them from the Iron age.  This first one was found Traprain Law in East Lothian.  It dates from between 0 and 400 AD.[Image]

 [Image]These ones are from the British museum.

More coming soon........

by Brahva Cwmevos
Copyright March 26th, 2012

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Naming Your Modern Day Tribe / Clan

When finding names, it is very important to know that many kindreds have divine ancestors, & in Gaelic tradition's they had a strong tree, plant or animal associations which are referred to as the tribe's Totem. These they believed their were descended from and thus an ancient ancestor.  

Lets talk about totem.  New age practitioners who've never been taught traditionally are sending out incorrect information of what totem really means in the Celtic tradition.  They even confuse the term with spirit animal.  Totem and spirit animal are two very different things.  For their spirit animal, they choose an animal that seems cool or the first one they see etc.  Just nonsense.  As a totem, one cannot choose to be descended from something lol, its like choosing someone else's mother and claiming her as your own.   Totems have to do with lineage and nothing more.  

Celts didn't mix two animals or trees together to name or represent any clan, so do not make this mistake in naming your modern day clan/tribe like the owl and the snake clan.  Utter nonsense. This would never happen.  No one, in their right mind, would put two mortal enemies together for one, and for two the Celtic tribes named themselves after the god/dess they were descended from.  Totems are very sacred in the Celtic tradition and so is honouring their ancestor or kinship object of representation. 

In Gaelic tradition, the Scottish clans in particular, it is interesting to note the way each clan was closely associated with a particular tree.  Trees were of central importance in Gaelic tradition as metaphors, symbols and models for society made manifest in nature. How was the image of the tree used as a metaphor. Tribal trees were very important for both kings and túatha. The Feara Bile and Fir na Craeibe of the early first millennium are examples of this. There is a number of strands of belief, again depending on the tribe, which played a part in the clan badge (suaicheantas) tradition. 1) strand takes some tree-type predominant in the homeland to symbolize the clan. 2) the belief of the use of badges from a particular tree. 3) another belief sees the tree badges were a kind of amulet worn for protection.  Thus some tribes were named after their totem tree.

Within all the tribes, there was hierarchy.  The nobility and their totem was of special importance, whether they had association between a special trees or totem animal, or plant & their use in kingship inauguration, has very ancient roots. We know that the badge system was adopted prior to the 16th century, but to be frank, exactly when, we do not know.  You can see the animal and trees in the crests or badges.  Thus if an animal was abundant in their area or seen a lot, the tribe might call themselves after that animal for it provided them with sustenance as a mother or father.  Thus some tribes were named after an animal, bear tribe, stag etc.

And yet other tribes might associated themselves with other things in nature that acted as their caregivers (parents), like a river that gave them fish and so on.  So Campbell came from the words crooked mouth, being the tribe was by the river.  One such Goddess was the river Boanne for example.  Learned Gaelic persons, such as their Priest called Druids, organized social and intellectual schemes onto nature and the Gaelic society itself reflected nature. 

So as a conclusion, the clans of today, classified all sorts of objects, animals, food, trees, etc. into noble and servile groups, selecting them according to their physical features and traits.  When it comes to lineage, it is most important to focus on the totem, and people neglect this important fact.  Much of the Gaelic Relations can be found in fact, when it comes to lineage, by tracing the uses of tree words and mottos. For example, the word 'craobh' not only means tree, but can be used as a verb meaning "to propagate." The term craobh-seanchais, literally "tree-knowledge", is used to mean the knowledge of one's lineage and descent. Similarly the term craobh ghinealaiche is used to designate one's genealogical tree.

If you take the the roots of these peoples trees and home from the soil, you leave in its place a stranger's land. For example, The Anglo-Saxons moved in to take over England.  They tried to do the same thing in Ireland but could not get a foot hold strong enough, and those were mostly the Danes that got that small piece. What was left was broken fragments, for it is language, land and totem that makes this kinship spirit which holds us together as family and is the only way you can make the true makings of a tribe.

Cha b'e sneachd is a' reothadh bho Thuath
It's not the Northern snow or frost
Cha b'e 'n crannadh, geur; fuar bhon Ear
It's not sharp, withering cold from the East
Cha b'e 'n t-uisge, is an gailleann bhon lar
It's not the Western rain and storm
Ach an galair a bhlian bhon Deas,
But the blight that withers from the South
Blath, duilleach, stoc agus freumh
Bloom, leaf, trunk and roots,
Cánan mo thréibh 's mo shluaigh...
The language of my people...
Nuair a spion iad a fhreumh ás an fhonn
When they tore the roots from the soil
'N áite Gáidhlig tha Cánan a' Ghoill...
In Gaelic's place is the stranger's tongue...

    In the making of your name, don't dishonour tribal societies existing today or be the joke of serious Celtic Scholars everywhere, by naming yourself or your tribe by picking cool animals.  You'll only be fueling the ridicule of serious practitioners - garbage being passed on by untrained, self-titled & eclectic authors of both new-agey book and many internet sites..

The Ancient Clan names, as listed in one of my other articles, one can see clearly that they referred to themselves as "the people" and some with their declaration of the God or God totem they were descended from.  These were animals, water bodies, trees or other nature places where they resided.  In other words you cannot worship a God or Goddess in the same sense as the Christian or Wiccan concept that God is one and everywhere.  You cannot worship a God who is tied to a spiritual area such as a mountain or river that is non-existent in USA or Canada.  That is just plain ridiculous.   Both Scandinavian or Celtic God were very much attached to their own tribal areas.  Other than the planetary or weather gods, you have to be careful which gods you are choosing.  But even if you wish to choose the weather or planetary gods, their names were not chosen from these Gods. Those Gods are of a different level on the tree worlds.

 The other reason Northern European pagans get upset is that you cannot claim someone else's Mother.  Its disgraceful.  Notice the names of the 1st nations people today then go an look at other tribes around the world.  Now look at my other article and the meaning of their name.  They were all descendants from the animal or tree or god of their own people.  You were not adopted into their tribe so why would you try and steal their mother or father.

Wiccans believe all Gods are one and that is not wrong, that is their beliefs.  The problem is that most of the garbage written and repeated over and over again all over the Internet for Celts is written by Wiccans not Celtic pagans.  The articles obscure the actual facts, for any serious Northern European student, and delays the learning process.  Sadly Most of these New Age authors, have never studied traditionally, let alone picked up a translated copy of any of the actual ancient books they just blindly follow repeating the same garbage that other untrained people are saying. Having said this, I am not trying to disrespect the Wiccan religion at all, as I too started there.  The earlier form of the religion was a very beautiful one.  But it has been warped and changed beyond recognition and the actual religion and traditions are mostly gone.

If you wish to follow a Norse, Odinistic, Asatru or Celtic path, you must dig deeper than them.  The point here is not to ridicule or blame any one religion, it is to point out that nobody want to truly work for information.   Our younger society (born in the 70's and up) seems to want the short version, fast info, right now, on a silver platter, & a quick Internet certificate so they can say they are a Priest, or even worse the title of 'Reverend', in a year or less.  They don't want to honour or worship Gods, nor keep the same Gods, they want to do divination and magic.  I know a couple that changed their Gods 3 times in 5 years.  Worst of all the new generation want it free, they want their way, on their own time & they want it today.  If they don't get their way, it becomes the teacher that must be bad in their eyes, not the disrespectful student.  How can a teacher, teaching their own tradition be teaching it wrong?  Disrespect is everywhere.

Over time, as ancients advanced, the Goddess was replaced with the Hero Gods who still had to do Her challenges in order to find thier power, reflective of their initiatory practices for young warriors.
So you can 1) name your Tribe/Clan something that reflects your group as a people from where you are & what most describes nature in your area and Gods residing there.   2) from the earlier most ancient Goddess (which was a major Food source a clan lived by like the life giving waters provide food (fish) & water or Her totem.  The Goddess then would be the river.  Or 3) You can also choose the later times, or the Heroine Gods, who are involved in the magic of changing of the seasons, & the rites of passage that came with agricultural times instead of sun movement, the original.  And lastly 4)  there were Battle Gods which from interpreting the myths they seem to be Gods to whom sacrifices were given.  BUT for all 5 choices, make your own names & places for the Gods for unless you are living in Northern Europe you are not close to where those Gods reside.

I cannot list all  Gods as there are almost 400 Gods found in the Celtic tribes alone, let alone Scandinavian ones.  Just as each tribe in 1st nations people have their own gods, so to did the Northern European tribes.  I will list a few here but the key is to find out what the name means and you can pretty much see from there the absurdity of worshiping gods in another country in Canada or USA when they aren't even here.  

People need to get out of the Christian concept of god as spirit, and realize that their gods they could see and touch as they were the energies in certain places.


Cailleach - (Irish) - she is a Mountain range in Ireland, with one being her chair another her residence.

Beira (Scottish) - Legend - made the mountains and hills and shaped them with her hammer.  Great Mother of the Gods and Goddesses.  Winter Goddess or the "Start" of the year.  Her staff freezes the ground and she herds Deer.  Mother Goddesses are associated with one of the Celtic Creation Myths in which most pertain to local land features. Yes there are Creation myths, unlike as said prior, what you read on the internet.  One complete one in an ancient manuscript too, along with planet names etc., but that is for you to study, not me to prove.  Again you can see the mountain is cold on top and it just makes sense that that cold descended and a legend was born.

Cailleachan (Scottish) means literally old women.  Washes her plaid in water and when finished it is pure white.  (snow.).  She resides at Ben Cruachan, the tallest mountain in Scotland.

Abnoba - means river.  She is a mountain in the Black Forest which is the source of the Danube.

Ceridwen - when broken up into syllables - literally means go to white.  There again is winter.  Her sons,  Creirwy, Morfan and Taliesin.

Creirwy seems to refer that he is an egg or a return to the egg.

Morfan literally means Sea point, exactly.

Taliesin means shining brow according to some but the name is not Irish, it is Welsh.  I cannot say for sure as more research is necessary and I will leave this to other scholars for now.  Welsh pronunciation[talˈjɛsɪn]).  Anyway from these names and my research into translations, her children would represent the three seasons which were the way the year was originally split up for seasons, winter, summer and spring.  Fall was considered spring like or in-between summer and winter or winter and summer. 

Brahva Cwmevos
Copyright July 27, 2011 

Origins of Modern Day Celtic Surnames

Surnames & Name in General 
From the ancient Celtic and Scandinavian Area Tribes

The Celts did not have last names until much later and last names started with the names of their fathers, like "son of Donald" or "daughter of" and then the mother or fathers name.  Mac, Mc and ap also means "son of".   It was later on that this changed to include the clans or individuals known occupation or contribution to the  bigger tribe/community - Donald the Smith or William the Miller.  These names are still with us today.  In fact my birth name is Mills.  To mention something about each last name will be time consuming, but below I am compiling a list that will be added to as I go on.  I do have also another post on the actual tribe names which was a lot of work, and it is still not done, so if my fans want to help and send me stuff, that would be much appreciated.  If you do so, please write me and I shall include it in the report with a plug to your name on my other article Modern names.   I shall list as many that I know of within the tribes & you can research on your own and discover its magic. 

If you read the article I wrote on Tribal naming then you'll see that some totem names, over time, became the surnames we know today and the last Great Kings or Queens or Chieftains that held them in that clan/tribe. 

Well-known names as Trevelyan, Trelawney, Treherne, Trevor, Polwhele, Pentreath, Pendennis, are Celtic names -  Tre is the Welsh tre or tref (home, hamlet), Irish treabh (house, family, tribe), English thorp; pol is the Welsh pwll, Irish poll (a hole, pit, pool); pen is the Welsh pen (a head, end, hill), and Old Irish cenn now ceann (head, headland), and also beinn (a hill, a summit). Some Welsh and Irish names indicating a father or ancestor; as the Vyvyans, Oliphants, Kennalls, Jenners, Keigwins, Scawens, and others, all most purely Celtic, both in name and blood.
Welsh family names are generally easy to recognise, but in many cases are most often mistaken for English names. Names such as as Tudor, Gwynn (Wynn) Morgan, Meredith, Owen, Griffith, Rhys (Rees, Rice) Lloyd, Howell, Evan, Vaughan, and Craddock. 

It first should be first noted that Surnames did not come into effect until 1057 in Scotland.  Prior to this, our lineage came from our god descendant's totem, above. 

Allmack - in London, having been started by a Highlander, whose original name was MacCall or MacAll.
Davidson  - was Mac Daibhidh - "David's son"
Campbell of Glenure (which means "Glen of Yew"), "I wish he were yew and not alder"i.e., the noble yew tree of his territorial title rather than an ignoble tree. The Campbells - Their Emblem was the gale, some bog myrtle.   
Clan Chattan used with the fir "in commemoration of Rothemurchus from whence they came, & where there grows so many firs, but Clan Chattan derives its name from the totem wild cat - Chattans - Cat totem. 
Cruden - comes from Croih Dain (a Pictish King) or Cro-Dun (the circle on the hill) or Croo-Dane  ( a circle of stones in honour of Danes and Scots who were honouring the slain warriors and the new peace between them (Scots are Irish and Picts mixed).  Picts - called themselves Cruithni .  th in some gaelic languages was pronounced "d" so this is another possibility.  
The Giuthas - "Fir" 
MacDonalds of Braemar were so named because the clan's founder spent in the woods as a fugitive. MacDonalds  -emblem was the heather, boasted that "now the heather was above the [bog myrtle]. 
Clan MacLaren's choice of the laurel , its clan's badge, refers to the name of its founder. Frasers did with the yew of Tomnahurich from where they came.  
Í Néill - great yew (one of the noble types of wood) torn from soil by a storm (Ó Cuív).
Kincaid - comes from Cairbre Cinn Cait - Caibre of the Cat Head, wore some sort of Cat headdress - 'of the tribe of the cat. 
MacCodrums - came from Bardic lineage.  Their totem seems to be seal as they would not kill or eat them, nor use their oils or skins.   Legend has it that the women bearing this name have pain during seal hunting season.
The MacNivens of Islay says that they were descended from a child found at the root of a tree, and thus named "Mac Craoibh[e]an (the son of trees)." 
MacRae - a small charm was recorded that mentions  
MacLeans: B'úr a' choill as na dh'fhás thu -fresh the woodland you sprung from-Siol nam failleanan árd bu mhór stoirm.- seed of the mighty trunks of great storm.
McCarthy - (MacCarthy, McCarty etc)  the oldest clan symbol is a red Stag on a greyish silver shield, with yellow horns and hooves.  Its one leg about to step forward.  The McCarthy name comes from their ancient ancestor called Muiredach Mac Carthach.  This clan is originally from the isle of Ireland, which in the Christian era was divided into 5 kingdoms, Ulaidh, Midhe, Laighin, Mumhain, and Connacht.  I use the ancient spellings here. The McCarthy's are from Munster or Mumhain, ruled by those descendant from Eoghanacht. The Eoghanacht are Spanish Celts (Spain area) from the son Heber of the Spanish King Milesius, spoken about as one of the invasions in their mythology.  Eaghan Mor ("Slave of Nuada") is supposedly the 46th descendant of Heber.  This is the oldest McCarthy written about and he died in 192 CE.  Conall Corc, however, who died in 379 CE, is the the first accepted historical King who was elected by method of tanistry. But in the same area, in the 900's, there were also a family descendant from DalgCais & these two Septs fought.  (A sept) is a sub-group from the same tribe.).  This is where both the McCarthy's and the O'Briens come from.   They feuded for years and finally in 1118, Munster was finally divided in half and became Tuadh Mumhan (Thomod), which is the dynasty of the O'Briens and Des Munham (Desmond), the dynasty of the McCarthy's. Carthach's Grandson, Tadhg 1 MacCarthy was the first King of Desmond.  Their last King's reign ended in 1596 with no male heir. (in pre-Christian times, otherwise know as Celtic pagan times, their was no male heirs, as it was not a patriarchal thing then, it was the fittest - male or female which would take the next lead, usually by vote or contest.  Craddock is the most ancient of Welsh names and one of the most distinguished, for it is but the English spelling of Caradoc (accent on the second syllable) a later form of Caratauc which represents Caratacus (corruptly 'Caractacus') the name of the British warrior who fought so valiantly against the Romans.  Remember that the Celtic tribes shared thei heroes thus, the Irish had the same name Cárthach whence MacCarthaigh or 'McCarthy'; hence Welsh 'Craddock' equals Irish 'Carthy.' At the beginning of the Christian era the Irish form was most probably *Carathachas.
The Hays of Erroll (in Scotland) was said to be tied with the life of a mistletoe that grew on a particular oak tree.
MacCrimmons - From Skye.  Seal lineage.

Mac Cuain - ("The Son of the Sea"). McEwan, MacKewan - Always dream prophesies when associated with sea.
McDonalds - Dog lineage.
McGregors - Bloodhound lineage. 
MacIntosh - Cat totem.
MacKelvies - Dove lineage.
McLeod - had the horse totem.
MacMasters - Pig lineage/totem.
MacNichols - Cat totem.
MacNeishes - Cat lineage (totem).
McPhees - Seal lineage/totem.

Weir clann - The Dragon Motif was depicted in 1200 AD. on the seal of Hugh de Vere, whilst the Blue Boar, a Druidic caste badge, was derived from the family of Raymond de Vere.Vere changed to Weir.  The southern Picts of Alba (the Scots) - totem tribal badge was the Dragon, this is important to note as Wales area later had the Red Dragon.

Mysteel Mills
Copyright July 27, 2011

Anyone who wishes their name to be added to the list above let me know, or more added to the names already above and I shall continually add as I could be here for years lol.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Out there for the World to See

Since I was a Child, I have always seen the world differently than others around me, including my siblings and parents.  I always felt like an outsider looking in.  My parents chalked my behaviour up to highly imaginative in my play, which to an extent it was, but it was also more than that.  I could feel life where others could not, and I had a strong connection to the natural world around me.  The animals in nature were drawn to me but more especially I could just be with, for hours, trees and plants. I strongly wanted relations and to have friends but never really fit in and became withdrawn and painfully shy because I learned very quickly that I did not think like anyone else.  Kids can be mean.

Spending more time alone, I developed the ability to tap into my more primal instincts.  For some reason, although I am female, and was not around any farm animals often, I came to mimic a stallion horse everyday, watching over everyone like they were my herd. When we were leaving or going to school, I would immediately become the Stallion. The only thing that would shift my focus is if I stumbled upon a plant that called to be because it needed to tell me something. 

I had learned that what others talked, gossiped or giggled about was excruciatingly boring to me and most likely what I had to say to them, was too deep, or sounded insane to others.  Teachers were no help for when I put up my hand, so proud that I knew the answer, they would never pick me and thus confirmed the notion that I was not important. Now that I look back, it more likely was that because I knew all the answers, they chose someone else, but to my 6 yr old mind, it was rejection. Rejection that my inside belief would show mimicked by others on the outside world, almost my whole life.  We see on the outside what we believe about ourselves.  We see it in people even if they had a totally different prospective because we choose to see it.
So what was it that I spoke about to get this reaction you ask?  Some children would ask me how I knew things and I of course I answered "The tree, by the corner there, told me."  Normal to me as I thought the many plants spoke to them as well..... well you can imagine my horror.

My mom always described my behaviour to others as daydreaming and I let her do this because I did not want my parents to think I was crazy too.

Now that the Internet has opened up to such a global connection I know now that I am not weird nor alone.  I know why I had my beautiful son.  He was the voice that I lost, he showed me things I could not see. He brought me out of shyness because of his personality I had to talk with others.  I'd turn my back for a second and he was talking with the table next to us for an example. He was my pride and joy.

He also has his own path of learning, totally separate from me.  I notice that he too has a hard time with communicating and to get his point across he is too direct & oversteps boundaries, hurting people in the process. He mistakes assertiveness with aggressiveness and has no patience to let others speak if they have a different opinion.  With him there is no grey, it is black and white.  He just knows things.  But I believe he is an Indigo child, which have these strong personalities, to clear old nonsense out of the way for future persons.  

My point is, that we all try to survive in our own ways with the resources we know about at different times.  We are all here for our own purpose and lessons, big or small. My son and I both have had weird abilities, sadly by the time I was preteen, I had shut mine down, and spent half my life trying to fit in.

It is a sad thing that many great mentors & those in service industry, those who dedicate themselves to serve others by mentoring, protection, waitressing etc., are the persons most abused. Abused by students, customers and abused by the system for low wages when it is the hardest working people.  It is those at the top who make a phonecall or two or make a yes or a no answer or sign a paper then go home that make the big bucks.  Something wrong there.

You can see this in famous people too.  People like to put you on a pedestal then take all they can from you then when you need a break or drained your cup, they not only leave you in the dust, but they kick you in the gut for good measure, but don't forget the added sugarcoated spoonfuls of perceived justifications for these actions.  They simply can't just leave quietly, no, their ego "needs" to let everyone else know so they will stay away because 'heavens forbid' if the others might hear your side of the story -- it just might conflict with theirs.  But After all that has happened to me, I still have compassion.

Now I am very proud of who I am and have embraced both the dark and the light of me.  I think I scare some lesser developed or insecure people with my strength, but I don't mean to, and as we all know, they attempt to knock you down to their level to feel comfortable.  If you don't back down they run.

My major interests are my ancestors, and a strong interest in the mythology of Arthur, who became, in later tales King Arthur.  On top of this, I've always where sayings or beliefs come from and absolutely love studying this. I am attracted to old castles and want to live in one, even if i have to make my own.  My favorite colour is Electric blue.  I seem to get along with animals and nature rather than people.  In fact, one of my faults is that it saddens me because I've always wanted a close friend or even a friend to do things with.  I am happy though that I did find that and didn't know it, with a girlfriend in Saskatoon.  I met her again after 20 yrs and I still felt like we just left off.  Love you Meg.  XOX.  

Oddly as an adult, Children I now get along with.  Children love me because I connect with their inner play and have a highly developed imagination and creative mind. Adults, as a child and Spiritual Elders I've always been fascinated by.  In fact I've had many odd encounters with them.  Each saying I would be destined for something great and this use to bother me.  I wanted to know what it was.  To be honest i still don't know so I quit worrying and just keep going. This time openly.

I found it odd, coming to Calgary, and the 'witches' or pagan persons here were afraid to "speak the w word", to use a phrase from the wife of a couple, I first met in 1997, who were the meet and greet for me. I already knew that you teach people how to treat you and by acting like you are ashamed of something you invite persons to shame you. I didn't want any part of that.  I've never had any problem, with anyone I've met, including bosses, for my days off or my beliefs.  When I first started, and being shy and always trying to fit in didn't help, I acted like everyone else, being angry and feeling persecuted.  This only attracted the same.

There is something else about me that is or is not weird, but I am attracted to wanting to live in the country surrounded in ancient looking furs and natural furniture around me so I can curl up in them.  Instead I buy, what I call, fluffies, or fuzzies.  You know those furry blankets. I feel comfortable in teepees, or huts, or old cabins.

If I look back at all my 'jobs' and my now chosen profession, I know that I am here to help others and to right wrongs.  I know that just the act of focusing on this or thinking about it will join the consciousness and someone else can pick my thought up. 

Once in awhile, as all humans, I let it all get to me, and I shut down and hide myself away from all others.  I forget about self and empty my cup.  I give too much and people drain me, then when I have nothing else to give, the users leave.
For my son, who is sometimes my opposite, others leave because they feel uncomfortable around his intensity and righteousness.  They do not have the ability the love through this, nor that he is the one that is hyper sensitive.  His outlet is creating Electric music or connective sounds.  I am hoping one day that he will learn to develop the ability to distinguish between the emotional fields that are from others and his own.  Right now he does not.  I learned to shut that down years ago.  I am a watcher and he is a talker. My defence is apathy, his is being cynical.  Both of us hate those who pull, use or abuse authority, especially when we are smarter than they are. most of the time.  Frankly, both of us have trouble finding 'our own kind'. Someone we can talk to about deeper subjects instead of watching sports or what colour you are going to paint the walls or finger nails.

Unfortunately this lack of bonding to find others, does not help with the fact that we love to be touched, to be hugged, and to cuddle.  I am a downright suck, I admit, when I am sick and want to be fed and pampered.  I would love my hair to be brushed by another, be bathed and feel supported.  In fact I need this more than others.  With texting, computers and all this supposed easier way of connecting to others, we have lost the most important basic and proven fundamental human need - TOUCH.  My only regret is not hugging my son as much as I should have but try to make up for it now.  I tell him all the time how special he is and that I love him today, always present tense.  In fact I have been 'texting' a new potential date, and am excited, yet disappointed, because he will text me, but won't phone me. I don;'t get it.  This is cold.  No tone of voice.  No body language to visualize.  What is the world coming to.  This is not communicating.

As you can tell, I have huge trust issues.  I've been misunderstood my whole life and betrayed so many times, I cannot even count anymore.  I was a very open person and my shyness comes from not knowing what to talk about to others, saying something and being thought of as weird and not knowing how to express myself.  I have an easier time writing.  It is usually better to keep my opinions and thoughts to myself.  I find most people don't truly listen anyways.

I am my best when I feel that someone has my back, when someone want to pitch in, when I feel I am not alone.  Unfortunately, 90% of the time, I am alone. I was also a single parent and was not there enough for my son.  Society is set up for this abuse of children because of the money game.  

I don't know but I am sure my son felt very alone in the school systems as well, as he would be extremely bored, and know more than the teacher.   I know I had an incident when I was young and the teacher was giving the class shit because they were not listening and got low marks on the metric system test, but he bragged about that he knows he taught it well because I was quiet and got a 100%.  The one odd time, where I overcame my shyness and told him I did not learn it from his teachings (which was a week long), I learned it in 5 minutes from my brother.  He mocked me and told me If I though I was so great, to come up to the board and show the rest of the students, my 5 minute lesson.  I did and they all got 100% in the test right after.
I guess I've always wanted to know the 'why' of everything.  My son is the same way only even more extreme, if there is no point to something, why do it, and for my situation, if it is not explained in an easy manner, its not worth my time or energy. 

This works with people too.  The last round of students did that for me.  I want to know everything about them before they join my tribe.  If you don't have your financial affairs in order, your balance in play and work, your balance of negative and positive or your lacking basic needs, and you don't want  to listen and follow out the new way, seize opportunity to get ahead....then piss off, I have no time or the energy for you; Those who choose to repeat behaviour that didn't change anything in the first place, or people who choose to look for the bad in people to replace looking at themselves.
I love to gift people through Understanding themselves, in this way, I can contribute to healing the world, one person at a time.  I created many courses based off of many teachings of successful persons.  My son also gives a gift of healing through his music.  I try to remain ever open to new things, in an attempt to make the world see that half the drugs out there, especially for children, are unnecessary.  It is our environment that causes both mental and physical disorders.  

For my tribe, started in 2002, since 2009, after a grueling time with dishonourable students, I now go after those who are who are happy with themselves and arent looking for a quick fix or titles.  I found them in persons who are skilled in Drawing, Painting, Decorating, Photography and other skills that show they see the world 'differently' then others.  They are fantastic at inventing new games of social interaction and creating new more efficient ways of doing things.  I find it is those who are not interested in competitive sports but instead personal achievement and their own discipline in martial arts or other interests that are more enlightened and make better tribal members.  They are better listeners and have the courtesy to stop and listen to someone when they play them a song on the guitar at a party, or sing for them, instead of gabbing with their friends.  They are drawn to theatre, comedy and ritual where they can act as a character and express a view or create a mood.  I look also for persons who've gone through major grief or trauma, have been emotionally or physically abused, abandoned, or may have turned to drugs or alcohol as a child, teenager or young adult but have awakened and pulled through in strength.  I feel we were put there in these families or situations so that we would be subjected to very painful and life shattering experiences so that we could figure out how to balance.  Without knowing the extreme harshness of winter, one never truly knows the warm loving arms of summer.  Some never learn that spring will always come and they get stuck buried in the snow.

If any of this sounds like you, and you've been looking for a way to contribute to the new world and bring it back into balance, your tribal family is looking for you.  We know the world is not going to work with the money system of today and we need to wake up and bring back sharing and not wasting resources.

Brahva Cwmevos

Copyright June 29, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Celtic Nobility

The Celtic tribes was divided into different classes or castes of hierarchal nobility. Their society was quite complex but that is written about in my Tribal Structure and Laws article. I shall speak about these different levels but we'll exclude the Druid castes, which will have an article of their own but they would go in the nobility class.

Kings and Queens - the King although respected, did not rule as one would think today.  He had many geasa put on him, (rule restrictions). For the Celts it was not a matter of blood inheritance as it is today.  The King and/or Queen was elected by the tribe and ruled until he was wounded, old or scarred in any way.  At this time the tribe would vote again.  The candidates to choose from came from the most prominant (nobility) classes.  It would be someone the tribe believed showed excellent skills and was able to make hard or quick decisions.  Also they were chosen for their virility and charm.  Kings were usually picked from the elite warrior class.  If  a king had any flaw, missing parts (even a missing tooth), or was inadequate in bed, he was stripped of his title.  This was done because it was believed that the King was a representative of the the Sun which married the earth land and therefore responsible for good crops.  He had to be the epitome of the fertile and virility of the land, which was considered the Mother Goddess and usually represented by a Horse.   She was also in the sky and was called by many names, depending on the tribe but one name is Epona.  To the Greeks, this was Pegasus.  In Celtic mythology, the King was Sagittarius merged with her.  No other scholar has said so but in studying many cultures myself, this seems to be the case.  He was in charge taking care of her and defending her and thus he protects his people.  Possibly, with his bow in hand, he does so the arrow representing the suns rays (semen) penetrating her for growth.  Some famous rulers, in fact became one and the same as their sky Gods.

A "kingdom, was run like a large company.  Their were many lesser Kings, sometimes called Lords, who all ruled their own areas but followed the middle or main Kings rule.  Lesser Kings and Queens were called Lords Or Ladies, hence the titles we get in Northern European Traditional pagan groups.   These lesser Kings would rule the island or land of their area split into 12 to 5 areas.

A High King was a skilled warrior, chosen by the many tribes, who was only used to rally the clans together during times when they had a mutual cause or threat, therefore, this style of King, was not always put in down in history books unless he lasted through many battles or changed history in some way.  These only ruled during the time of the threat, and then the Tribes would go back to their own affairs.  In ancient times, in most cultures, these famous Kings & Queens were thought of as the living Gods in physical form.  Kings and Queens were considered part of the Noble class below.

Noble class or privileged classes -  These were considered the learned men.  There were many levels of this class, but those categorized in this class were men of knowledge.  These included Warriors, Druids, Vates, Bards and those with a unique talent or occupation was very much needed by the tribe.  Irish called the Vates, Ovates but there are also other names, depending on the area and tribe.  Hosts were also considered part of the noble class.  See occupations article. The Noble class liked to have their heads depicted on coins.  many were found from this period. 
We also must remember that each area of tribes had their own similar but slightly different set of laws which they lived by and these dictated the hierarchy as well.  Every hierarchy is different.  There are many books which tell us some of the areas and their ways.  lets look at this more closely;
In Munster, Ireland, for example, they had several ruling families (the lords).  These families were called Septs. Each of these belongs to one tribe.  Which means they all shared a common ancestor, and Munster's was Eoghanacht. In Ireland, First was the King, who oversaw the entire land with allegience of the lesser Lords who ruled over their own large territories, often known as the "Ard Tiarna" or Ard Ri in earlier times. Finally, there were the lords of lesser areas (Tiarna), who owed fuedal rent and allegience to the Ard Tiarna closest or sometimes to the King.  Below the Kings, were the Knights, some famous bands like the Fianna, Red Branch etc. are written about.  These were the mounted Warriors.  So the magic number 3 is there again, the Royals, the persons with land, and the warriors all had an honour of being this by birth, as usually one followed in their parents footsteps.

The French Celts (which were Anglo-Norman) there was only one King who had complete power over all subjects and did not share with lesser lords.  The Nobility here represented earthly power of military might and they allowed actual power over all physical possessions and control of territory.
For some famous British tribal nobles names from early periods, I found a well written blog.  Just push on the link here.

Freeman or Craftsman Class,

Two classes at the very bottom; The Non-Free - servants and; the criminals. 

Also included in nobility are the three types of Druids, the Druid, the Bard and the Ovate.  It is not clear but it seems that each of these were divided by three as well.

Bard (British) - In Ireland they are called the Fili and the top, like the King, is called the Ard Fili.  This role was taken by one who was versed in all three areas of Bardic training in their schools.  All Bards were at different levels, but the Ollamh (kind of like a professor degree) was what you were called once you finished after 6 - 7 yrs.., and decided on your specialty  The first type is the poet-musician and story teller.  A very powerful type. The second type of Bard was called the Seanacha, in Ireland and these were the Historians and geneaologists. Their top of course is called the Ard Seanacha.  And the third type were the ones going on to Druid level called the Brehons. They were judges, who would hear grievances and arbitrate disputes.  Kings and Queens did not have any more privilege as to the judgements given to them as would any commoner or freeman, but the Druid classes were.  They are all above the King and/or Queen, especially in terms of hospitality and treatment.  Every law in specific detail about hospitality.  No one could harm one, even on the battle field.  In Ireland, these occupations did not every carry a weapon and were always peacemakers.  The Bards were the ones mostly on the battle field as they had to record what went down and give credit where credit was do and insult as well.

More to come....keep checking back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Book to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Maers Khohias Tribe

Our tribe is waiting for the world to awaken and learn that Barter and trade system must come back or we will kill every country and we are just starting to see the results now.   Money trading hurts more and more people everyday and it isn't even real in the first place.  Once you get that, that sharing and equality is the way to go, then our tribe is waiting for you.  Hierarchy is necessary but not in the way of power over.  We know that the world is all one people and we are very much connected to nature and its resources.  Our tribe focuses on similarities and what we can share, not what we can get from each other.  learn from each other.  We accept all cultures, genders and sexual preferences.

We wish to grow and heal the world.  One person at a time. 

If you start your own Northern European tribe, count on years of paperwork & study as you must classify & symbolize the natural world around you so the source (or mother will know how your group) chooses to read a sign when given.  Or you can make it simple, join and learn from the 30 years of expertise of the Maers Khohias Tribe planning to spread all embracing spiritualism worldwide!!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

What a Medieval Feast Table looks like!

How to Put on a Fantastic Theme party - 

The Medieval Feast! 

Huge Medieval feasts were done on special holidays, special events like a wedding, or just because company dropped in.   A Celt was always big on hospitality, in fact there was an occupation assigned to this.  The virtue of hospitality was very high on their list.  No matter who the person was, stranger or friend, at the door, a Celt always took them in as a guest and gave them food, water, shelter and entertainment or be shamed.

We know that the dishes served at these Medieval feasts, depended on the type of food available in the area where the tribe or fine lived.  If the Celt was rich, he or she could order from abroad and would have more types of food available.  The key to serving the right amount for any guest, is to serve them above and beyond what you would serve yourself without harming your family financially.  There was no such thing as going cheap to the Celts!   You shared what you had with all!   A Celts is definitely not modest and at some Medieval feasts the guests were served up to 6 or more courses.

In Earlier years the people in the tribe worked for the Chieftains or Kings for free, at these affairs and within the tribe!  In turn, these Lords were responsible for provide food, training, & safety to them in return.   Everybody had their part to play at these feasts and every single person was considered important.  No one would be abused or starved and no one was without respect for each other, even the servants.   

The Grocery List

What will you buy to serve?  Don't panic.  Choose food that naturally grows in your area or food from the hosts particular culture, no matter what that is.  Please remember that the Celts were not a race, as they embraced all peoples and even adopted some customs and even treated all learned hostages with respect.  

Next, decide on whether your feast will be for peasants or nobility.  If nobility, you would have been able to import exotic meats, fruits, vegetables and nuts.  Nobility also had lots of spices and herbs to flavour the food.  Sugar would be expensive so you might want to use Honey instead, as this was the most popular in Europe in medieval times.

Hosting the Medieval Feast! 
Okay the grocery list is planned and now you must plan the evenings events.  Even though Medieval feasts were elaborate, don't let that scare you.   Its not that hard to put on a Medieval feast.    Just think of it as eating in a fancy restaurant with each course served separately.   Start out slowly.  For your first one, just do 4 courses!  I will guide you step by step.  You can get more creative, when you get good at it.  If you have a friend or two that can help serve even better but not necessary if a smaller crowd.  Just remember, light fruits and veggies at the beginning to more Heavier foods to digest go towards the end.   Cheese was always served before and after the meal because this is what physicians of the time believed was good digestion.

What are the Drinks?  

Water, ale, beer, mead, milk, and wine were flowing generously.   Cider became increasingly popular in later times.    Each of these drinks listed were believed to have magical properties.  Wine was believed to nourish the body, restore health, aid digestion, clarify ideas, open the arteries, cure melancholy and help in procreation.  Since, we drive vehicles in modern day, just have your wenches serve one drink between each of the courses.  To not embarass that person who loves to drink too much, have the girls have some entertaining distraction ready for them until the next course comes.

Whats on the Table Itself?  

Your guests will have a riot eating with their fingers, though sometimes a fork was used, but not often.  Usually the only utensil to be seen was the persons personal hip Dirk or sock Sgian dubh.  The forks were only used to either hold the food while you cut a slab off with your dirk (Dirk just means long knife).   
Put out cloth napkins, lemons and water bowls.  There were water bowls and cloth napkins, that yes everybody shared, so don't have one for each have one for every 3 persons who know each other.  Today, we do this for hygiene purposes and maybe you'd like to use the sanitary wipes for after. 

Don't forget they had tankards, drinking horns and goblets, both metal and wooden as well as clay.  A serving spoon would come from the kitchen help but soup was slurped and sopped up with bread!  Bowls and Plates were used and these were wooden and sometimes of precious metal but only for the hierarchy.  

What about Entertainment?

Medieval feasts would usually be followed by hours of dancing, singers, acts, and musicians but there were always acts in between the courses.

What about the Seating arrangement?

Always seat according to rank.  In the Fairs or royal house, this is where the Heralds (who were also trumpet and shield holders) would come in first in parade fashion and hang their parties shield in the appropriate place behind their seat on the wall before anyone would even see the guests.  The Kings table would always be seated prior to anyone entry to watch this parade done in very ceremonious way and no one would dare to get the order wrong.  In other words there was much training in every occupation & one was proud of each as was the Hierarchy of everyone who nodded in approval.

What about Dress? 

If you've been invited, or are going to invite people, to a medieval feast themed event, make sure you or your guests know if its going to be a peasant style feast or is it going to be more like high nobles, lords and kings. Everyone will need to know so they can choose what to wear for costumes to the Medieval feast. I personally enjoy having both with a head table. The fabric in the medieval days was very thick. If you plan on sewing your own costume, use upholstery fabrics. Stay away from pastel colors as they were nonexistent as well as certain patterns like stripes and polka dots. The colors should be bright and rich. Choose colors such as deep blues, deep greens, deep reds, bright yellows and chocolate browns. A good idea would be to ask the century they are thinking, as some centuries didn't have buttons yet.  Remember in Medieval times, the Celts were very different then in the time they were more nomadic.

Step by Step Medieval Feast Course 

1) Have appetizers and light beer and wine out as guests arrive and mingle.  Have the rules and things to do posted on a whiteboard for them to read and discuss.  This is a great way for guests to easier mingle with strangers and saves you some time.  All you have to do is show the way for coats and show them the white sign.  Have a lone harpist or violin or CD with medieval music playing in background.  if you are going elaborate, have your head table seated, and have the servants get the door.  If it is your own group, then have them come in in the order of hierarchy.

2) The 2nd round is a light one such as with a soup or salad.   Serve with water!  Make sure the second entertainer goes after this course, while the plates are cleared.   He or she has the shortest act - 10 to 15 minutes.

3)  Serve a drink now that will go with the 3rd course, just before it comes out.  Choose a watered down mead, if you have any, and a white or red wine.  In the Third Round you serve the meats and vegetables with bread to sop up the juices.  Have the third entertainer last approximately double the length of time as the first one while plates are being cleared.

4)  Serve another drink that will be a desert drink like a sweet Mead is a fantastic choice because the 4th course ends with something sweet. The general rule depends on the Medieval Feast occasion, the more formal, the more fancy the dessert.   The only thing different than today is the reasons for the choices of foods eaten.   Every recipe and preparation had to be done in a ritual protocol that could not be strayed from.

5)  Now that people are fed, have boasting events and other games start, the evenings left over acts.  If you have a Bard, he or she will be responsible for the order of the entertainers.  After about an hour and a half, put out more cheese and appetizers.

Brahva Cwmevos
Celtic Chieftain of Maers Khohias Tribe