
Thursday, February 9, 2012

History of Walking Sticks

The cane or walking stick, by the 1800's, was very much a part of a Gentleman’s formal attire. You didn't leave home without it. It was so popular that members of certain posh organizations had to have one. Military personnel, the Freemasons and many fraternities had the walking stick. The walking cane became a tradition in many places. But did you know that its history goes back long before this.
It was also used by Druids and Celtic warriors as a symbol of authority or a support for an exhausted traveller, or a weapon. For a Celt, it is an extension of one's own arms and reach; as a pole to vault over creeks, or a deep ditch. Celtic Druids (Shamanic persons) used a staff as both a symbol of leadership and as a tool for spiritual journey. Often carved with mystical symbols, Celtic runes, stories of Gods or animals, history of their territory or tribe, record a great battle, mythical beasts and magick. These were the Shamans tool to help guide the path of his/her workings as well as the clan they administered too. Used in many religious ceremonies and ritual throughout time. It was a form of status and the type of wood used depicted the rank of the person in the ancient tribes.
Shorter ones were called a sceptre and the tall ones a staff or stave. Travellers used the walking stick or staff for practical duties as well such as carrying their travelling packs over the shoulder, or heavy loads across both shoulders. It's been used to defend against attack, or even to gain an upper hand in a battle. It really replaced the sword which was the coveted thing prior to the walking stick. The walking stick was always a sign of respect given to the oldest or wisest citizen, and was carried not only as a functional support for walking but as a means of defence.
Walking Sticks are now coveted as collectors items and family heirlooms. The walking stick tall or short, have been part our society for thousands of years. Walking stick status today is still done by how elaborate the walking stick is -- the symbols that are painted, wood-burned or carved into it. They are referred to as bragging staffs or staves. Both spellings are correct. They are a kind of like a totem pole depicting the life of the bearer, a record of ones long journey. If you go to the Masonic Museum, you can see an example of what I speak of, & each provides us clues to the ancient members accomplishments.
The staff can also be used to carve a story of any kind or one of mythology. Keeping a record of events in the carvings of a staff can be traced to the ancient Norsemen. Carving runes to tell a story or tale along it's shaft was a practical and common practice amongst these travellers. It was also used for numerical information, like the length of a measurement, a journey or trade. This numerical journal was called "skor". This method actually carried into modern day and we use it to keep 'score' during a game. This method of carving isn't unique to the Norse. It was done by many surrounding cultures. A popular walking cane today is based off of the walking staff with hook on the top which was associated with the shepherd and children of the Gods. The Shepherd was once a healer with his Staff turning into snakes. He was called Orphiuchus but the constellation picture has now changed to the Hero God Orion.
Walking sticks make a great gift. Master Craftsman Brahva, the founder of Maers Khohias and the owner of The Celts and Vikings Store, enjoys her work in her spare time. Each stick is made with a story in mind and a good energy put into the item. Any individual coming in to the store has the opportunity to choose their own personal statement by the staff they carry so it is important that she leaves some staves plain so they can choose what they'd like to see for décor, and see which one calls to them. Sometimes she feels the wood just sings to her and it becomes what it wants to be. Symbols are either carved, painted, or burned into the walking stick until the walking stick says no more. Brahva specializes in producing quality walking sticks containing as many personal distinctions as possible that the customer wants. Staffs can be topped with a totem of family or energy of the walking stick.
Collectors in Canada boast to have one of Brahva's staffs in their possession. Collecting walking sticks of all sizes is a growing hobby once again. It is a great investment. This leap in value sparked a new interest in handmade canes, both antique and new.
Custom walking sticks are available with anything the customer wishes. Most personalized canes sell at $150, with some custom works upwards of $300. Staffs are mostly shipped in Canada, but can be shipped anywhere should the customer wish to pay extra for shipping charges. The investment is very reasonable for a one of a kind item.
Brahva says a Walking Stick is also called a spirit staff and all have a magickal aura surrounding them, each with its own personality, depending on the type of wood. Once you receive a staff or one calls to you, you must find its name. Listen and it will tell you through the Universe. Once you name one, you feel more of a connection as the ancients did. There is a certain way to use the staff in Celtic ritual. Brahvas also teaches Classes on this subject and much more. The Celtsd and Vikings Store is more than 'just' a store.
Trivia; In most modern Northern European Traditions, meaning those of non-eclecticism, you may not carry a Staff unless a person is one of the Druid classes of priest/priestesses, which can take up to 20 years of study. In this society of fast info and consumerism, most do not grasp this concept, and want everything now. The Walking stick that is given through process has much greater meaning and feeling of accomplishment than one not earned.
For everyone else, a walking stick or staff can be shaped to look like horns or prongs or topped with actual antlers of a deer, a skull of a small animal and decorated with leather, feathers, stones, and/or beads. The staff is unique to it's owner, giving special meaning to that person's life. A staff will call you by drawing you towards it. Some people like to decorate it as they desire so some are always left plain, just for those types.
A Walking Stick Staff take a long time to make from the time they are brought home to the finished product. Brahva always makes sure the grove is able to replenish and does not take more than is necessary. The Staff takes 30 to 60 days in a dry place and then 3 to 9 days to make, depending on how intricate the design. Just like wood has its own magical traits, so does the metals, stones, shells and symbols put on them.
A staff can be Consecration for a specific purpose so it acts as a talisman for the person it is being bought for - house decor, reenactment, modern pagan, respect of an elder in your family, wedding and so on. Consecration is a cleansing of their staff from all the energized of others who might have touched it, in a sacred ritual, then dedicated and charged with Divine energy to do whatever is asked for the new owner that shall receive it then wrapped immediately so no one else touches it. When the receiver gets it, he/she imprints their own energies upon the wood so make sure they are in a great mood. This process should be done afterwards, once a year, to clear the energy off the staff that has been sitting around as it will pick up all energies from any arguments, negative persons and so on around it. For an extra fee of $20, Brahva will do this for you!!

LaurieLee Mills
with permission

Copyright 2011

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